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- 2023-01-10 [b-22-1] 变化环境下的适应性灌溉管理(现代农业经济管理学系列教材)
- 2018-01-28 [b-17-1] 中国草地资源、草业发展与食物安全
- 2018-01-28 [b-16-1] managing water on china's farms: institutions, policies and the transformation of irrigation under scarcity
- 2016-02-15 [b14-4] 生鲜农产品的市场供应链研究
- 2016-02-15 [b14-3] 中国食品安全与营养保障:基于公正视角的审视
- 2015-02-23 [b-14-2] land use impacts on climate
- 2015-02-23 [b-14-1] integrated river basin management:pracitice guideline for the io table complication and cge modeling
- 2014-02-08 [b-13-3] 中国农村生活污染与农业生产污染:现状与治理对策研究
- 2014-02-08 [b-13-2] 中国苹果产业发展研究
- 2014-02-08 [b-13-1] 中国种业市场、政策与国际比较研究
- 2014-02-08 [b-12-1] 中国的农地制度、农地流转和农地投资
- 2014-02-08 [b-11-3] 社会主义新农村的基础设施建与管理问题研究
- 2012-09-28 [b-11-2] china’s agricultural and rural development(1978-2008)
- 2012-09-28 [b-11-1] modeling the dynamics and consequences of land system change
- 2011-04-02 [b-10-3] 我国西南地区生物柴油原料麻疯树发展潜力研究
- 2011-04-02 [b-10-2] 生物燃料乙醇发展的社会经济影响及我国发展战略与对策研究
- 2011-04-02 [b-10-1] 转基因生物技术的经济影响——中国bt抗虫棉10年
- 2011-04-02 [b-09-3] groundwater governance in indo-gangetic and yellow river basin: opportunities and challenges
- 2010-08-02 [b-09-2] monograph]global and regional development and impact of biofuels a focus on the greater mekong subregion
- 2010-08-02 [b-09-1] monograph]status and potential for the development of biofuels and rural renewable energy: the people’s republic of china