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- 2009-02-19 [b-08-3] 制度变迁和可持续发展——30年中国农业与农村
- 2009-02-19 [b-08-2] 土地用途转换分析
- 2009-02-19 [b-08-1] 土地系统动态模拟
- 2009-02-19 [b-07-1] 中国城镇化及其对耕地变化的影响
- 2009-02-19 [b-06-1] 粮食与食物安全早期预警系统研究
- 2009-02-19 [b-05-3] 灌溉、管理改革及其效应——黄河流域灌区的实证分析
- 2009-02-19 [b-05-2] 地下水灌溉系统产权制度的创新——及流域资源核核算
- 2009-02-19 [b-05-1] 21世纪的中国农业与农村发展
- 2009-02-19 [b-04-2] china’s food economy in the early 21st century: development of china’s food economy and its impact on global trade and on the eu
- 2009-02-19 [b-04-1] roots of competitiveness: china’s evolving agriculture interests
- 2009-07-03 [b-03-3] 中国关键地区的农业发展与环境
- 2009-07-03 [b-03-3] agricultural develpoment and environment in key regions of china
- 2009-07-03 [b-03-2] china's forests: global lessons from market reforms
- 2009-02-17 [b-03-1] 中国农业科研投资:挑战与展望
- 2009-02-17 [b-02-5] implementing the natural forest protection program and the sloping land conversion program: lessons and policy recommendations
- 2009-02-17 [b-02-4] 中国私营林业政策研究
- 2009-02-17 [b-02-3] getting the private sector to work for the public good: instruments for sustainable private sector forestry in china
- 2009-02-17 [b-02-2] 增长、地区差距与贫困——中国农业公共投资研究
- 2009-02-17 [b-02-1] growth, inequality and poverty in rural china: the role of public investments
- 2009-02-17 [b-00-2] china from afforestation to poverty alleviation and natural forest management