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中国致公党第十六届中央委员会农业与农村委员会委员、北京大学现代农学院研究员、北京大学中国农业政策研究中心研究员、博士生导师、担任国际ssci期刊 applied economic perspectives and policy 的编委 (2024-)
王晓兵,女,中国致公党第十六届中央委员会农业与农村委员会委员、北京大学现代农学院研究员、北京大学中国农业政策研究中心研究员、博士生导师、担任国际ssci期刊 applied economic perspectives and policy 的编委 (2024-)。2007年毕业于德国马丁路德-哈雷-维腾贝格大学,获得博士学位。2016年3月加入北京大学现代农学院(筹)。在加入北京大学现代农学院前,曾就职于中国科学院农业政策研究中心。主要从事农业科技发展与政策、农村要素市场(如劳动力和土地流转市场)、粮食安全和减贫、农业经济史的研究。作为首席专家主持国家社科基金重大课题1项,国家自然科学基金4项面上项目,并参与国家转基因重大专项和中国工程院高端智库重点课题等研究课题。在american journal of agricultural economics, world development,nature 子刊 nature biotechnology等国内外著名期刊上发表学术论文90余篇。基于相关研究结果,向中央和国务院递交多份政策报告,得到国家领导人批示,为政府部门制定相关政策提供了重要决策参考。
通讯地址: 北京海淀区颐和园路5号,北京大学王克桢楼418,邮编100871
tel: (86)-10-62760391 email: xbwang.ccap@pku.edu.cn
1. liang ruobing, xiaobing wang*, futoshi yamauchi. cotton revolution and widow chastity in ming and qing china, american journal of agricultural economics, forthcoming.
2. min shi, xiaobing wang*, xiaohua yu, does dietary knowledge affect household’s food waste in the developing economy of china? food policy, forthcoming.
3. ma wanglin, xiaobing wang*, internet use, sustainable production practices and rural incomes: evidence from china. australian journal of agricultural and resource economics, forthcoming.
4. wang xiaobing, zhouhang yuan, shi min*, scott rozelle, school quality and peer effect: explaining differences in academic performance between china’s migrant and rural students. journal of development studies.
5. wang xiaobing*, futoshi yamauchi, jikun huang, scott rozelle, what constrains mechanization in chinese agriculture? roles of farm size and fragmentations, china economic review, forthcoming.
6. yen yanjun, hui li, xiaobing wang*, 2019. family income and nutrition-related health: evidence from food consumption in china. social science & medicine 232, 58-76.
7. wang sun ling, jikun huang, xiaobing wang, francis tuan. 2019. are china’s regional agricultural productivities converging: how and why?. food policy 86, 101727.
8. min shi, zhouhang yuan, xiaobing wang, lingling hou*, 2019. do peer effects influence the academic performance of rural students at private migrant schools? china economic review 54, 418-433.
9. zhao qiran, xiaobing wang*, scott rozelle. 2019. better cognition, better school performance? evidence from primary schools in china. china economic review 55, 199-217.
10. chen qihui, xiaobing wang, qiran zhao*, 2019. appearance discrimination in grading? evidence from migrant schools in china. economics letters 181, 116-119.
11. min shi, xiaobing wang*, min liu, jikun huang, 2018. the asymmetric response of farmers to the expected change of rubber price: the roles of sunk cost and path dependency, land use policy 79, 585-594.
12. wang xiaobing, renfu luo, linxiu zhang, scott rozelle. 2017. the education gap of china’s migrant children and rural counterparts, journal of development studies 53 (11), 1865-1881.
13. wang xiaobing, yu bai, linxiu zhang, scott rozelle, 2017. migration, schooling choice and student outcomes in china, population and development review 43(4), 625-643.
14. wang xiaobing, jikun huang, scott rozelle, 2017. off-farm employment and agricultural specialization in china. china economic review 42, 155-165.
15. qiao fangbin, jikun huang, xiaobing wang, 2017. fifteen years of bt cotton in china: results from seven waves household surveys, world development 98, 351-359.
16. wang xiaobing, futoshi yamauchi, jikun huang, 2016. rising wages, mechanization and the substitution between capital and labor: evidence from small scale farm system in china, agricultural economics 47, 309-317.
17. wang xiaobing, futoshi yamauchi, keijiro otsuka, jikun huang, 2016. wage growth, landholding and mechanization in chinese agriculture, world development 86, 30-45.