发布日期:2021/10/28 来源: ccap
green revolution and income divergence in the developing world
时间:2021年11月4日(周四) 12:00-14:00
developing countries sharing nearly identical growth trends for centuries have dramatically diverged in income per capita since the 1960s. based on data from 75 developing countries accounting for 90% of the developing-world population, this study shows that the green revolution (gr), starting from the mid-1960s, can explain most of the income divergence. beyond the conventional understanding that the gr created income gap by disproportionately promoting economic growth across countries, this study finds that the developing countries that gained less agricultural productivity from the gr were substantially damaged by gr-induced grain imports, which increased fertility while retarding capital formation. based on the exogenous timing of the gr across crops and cross-country variation in agro-climatic suitability for cultivating different crops, this study estimates that approximately half of the developing countries were significantly damaged by the gr. without the gr, asian developing countries could have experienced no faster growth, on average, than african countries.
黄开兴,经济学博士,北京大学中国农业政策研究中心研究员,博士生导师。研究方向为环境经济学、农业经济学和经济增长。论文发表于《journal of environmental economics and management》、《journal of economic surveys》、《oxford economic papers》、《journal of agricultural economics》等期刊。